Drought Response Information Project

DRIP is partnering with Resource Central to offer you low-water perennial garden kits to transform your yard! The Garden In A Box Program make it easy to transform your yard into a beautiful, drought-tolerant landscape to reduce water usage for outdoor purposes. Get more details on the DRIP website, GARDEN IN A BOX | DRIP, or you may Visit ResourceCentral.org/Gardens to claim your discount.
In 2003, the Grand Valley domestic water providers developed and adopted a Drought Response Plan to provide a format to follow in the event that water supplies are impacted due to drought or other supply related problems.
Within the Drought Response Plan, the Drought Response Information Project (DRIP), was identified as the way to provide information to educate the Grand Valley residents about the components of the Drought Response Plan and the importance of water conservation. Some of the water conservation awareness efforts undertaken by the DRIP participants include:
- Provide the Weekly DRIP Tip of the Week in the Daily Sentinel and on KEKB radio
- Developed public service radio announcements pertaining to current drought conditions as well as the ongoing water conservation message utilizing local spokespersons
- Drought status and water conservation presentations to local groups (Service Organizations, Homeowner Associations [HOA], realtor and business organizations)
- Public information booths at local Farmer's Markets and landscaping/home show conferences
Drought Response Plan
For further information, please visit the DRIP website»