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Grand Valley Regional Water Conservation Plan

The primary purpose of The Grand Valley Regional Water Conservation Plan, collaboratively developed by the Clifton Water District, the City of Grand Junction, and the Ute Water Conservancy District, is "to promote water conservation by example, education, and innovation for the purpose of securing the future water needs of the Grand Valley".

The Plan identifies the following goals and objectives to be achieved through the implementation of measures and programs undertaken by the three water utilities:

  • Goal 1: Continue to educate the community, landscape contractors, and customers regarding codes and ordinances that promote xeric landscapes and water conservation.
  • Goal 2: Continue to create public awareness of wise water use and conservation.
  • Goal 3: Reduce residential sector water demand in the Grand Valley by 10% over the next seven years.
  • Goal 4: Promote water saving awareness in the commercial/industrial sectors.

With the implementation of the measures and programs, the three entities hope to achieve an overall reduction of 11.6 million gallons of water saved by 2015 and up to 24.6 million gallons of water saved by 2020.

We should all do our part to conserve that which we don't need today for future generations tomorrow.